The Issue
Within the Architecture profession, the number of minorities is heavily underrepresented. The lack of resources and knowledge about architecture careers is limiting to underrepresented communities. The 2018 Racial and Ethnic Diversity study released by NCARB shows that only about 20% of Minorities have completed ARE Completions, where only about 2% are African Americans. The architecture community has struggled with diversity, and in light of recent events, the need for equal representation is more crucial than ever before. The National Organization of Minority Architects seeks to increase diversity by creating role models through architectural leadership.
NOMAS is the National Organization of Minority Architecture Students (NOMAS). CPP - NOMAS consists of a group of architecture students who value the promotion of inclusivity and diversity in practice and academia. The students are driven by their core beliefs: to inspire and foster underprivileged youth, to elevate opportunities for the underrepresented, and to share a common voice. Our mission is to establish a solid foundation for raising social awareness and giving back to the community with our fellow students.
CPP - NOMAS looks out for the student body, providing access to portfolio workshops, internship opportunities, and networking opportunities amongst top firms. Our goal is to encourage minority students to participate in our events to provide them with essential tools, to have a successful career post-graduation.
The Scholarship
The CPP - NOMAS 2001 Scholarship will be a scholarship catering, but not limited to underprivileged and underrepresented students in architecture. During the pandemic, it is especially important to provide support to any architecture student who is struggling without any exclusive restrictions. The scholarship will be for current and incoming students of CPP Architecture.
The Criteria
The scholarship is open to current undergraduate and graduate students.
Students must be enrolled full-time (minimum of 12 units for undergraduate or minimum of 6 units for graduate) at the time of disbursement.
Students must have a cumulative GPA or CPP GPA greater than or equal to 2.5.
Students must complete the supplemental questions.
Essays will be reviewed by a scholarship panel that consists of the University professors and of the Scholarship Committee assigned by NOMAS. NOMAS will review finalists provided by the scholarship panel and assign a winner accordingly. Winners will be announced at the end of the year (Bauhaus event).
$25 would help one student with buying basic modeling materials such as foam, wood, utilities.
A basic rendering software for second year students starts at $99 per year.
The average cost for material processing (laser cutting, 3D printing) ranges from $100 - $250 per semester.
The average cost for tuition at Cal Poly Pomona is around $7,000.