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B.L.A.C.K. in L.A. Scholarship

Raised toward our $20,000 Goal
70 Donors
Project has ended
Project ended on December 31, at 11:59 PM PST
Project Owners

Campaign Update 10/29/21

October 29, 2021

Due to an issue with our card processing system, our transaction page temporarily went down on the morning of 10/29/21. Because of this, we have extended the end date of our campaign to Monday, 11/1/21 to give our partners and friends one last chance to support the students we serve. If you are seeing this message on 10/29/21, please come back soon to make your gift!

Thank you for your support!

Choose a giving level


Construction detail

Perfection is in the details! This will buy the student a coffee and a snack to give them energy.


Small structure scale

This will help pay for those cool sketching pens.


Building scale

This can go toward their monthly wifi bill.


Small site scale

This will buy them an external hard drive to back up their work.


Large site scale

Will help cover some of the mandatory campus fees (the Student Success fee is $211.91 for one semester).


Neighborhood scale

Monthly housing costs aren't cheap. But this will help.


City scale

This will help them get the laptop they need to run all those graphics-heavy programs.


Watershed scale

This will help cover books and supplies for a year (university estimate is $1800 per year).


Basin scale

The estimated cost for room and board is $5,418 for a year. That is for students living with parents.


Regional scale

This will help cover tuition and some personal expenses for a year. One year down, three to go (or two, for MLAs)!

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