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Bronco Athletics CCAA Virtual Food Drive

Bronco Athletics CCAA Virtual Food Drive Image
Raised toward our $500 Goal
14 Donors
Project has ended
Project ended on April 18, at 11:55 PM PDT
Project Owners

Student-Athlete Advisory Committee Support the Poly Pantry

Virtual Food Drive

Traditionally, the Cal Poly Pomona Student-Athlete Advisory Committee (SAAC) takes part in a California Collegiate Athletic Association (CCAA) conference-wide food drive where each CCAA Institution devotes a week to collect canned and boxed goods for donation. This year the collection of canned and boxed goods has transitioned to an online donation platform. 

SAAC is an on-campus group comprised of Cal Poly Pomona student-athletes who volunteer their time to represent their teams and peers within the athletic department, University, NCAA, CCAA, and community.

Since last Spring, millions of more people have struggled to put food on the table. The need among the most vulnerable communities is deepening. Together we can continue to help the people who need it the most.

The pandemic reversed the last decade's progress towards ending hunger in the United States. In 2021, 42 million people, including 13 million children, may be at risk of hunger.

Unfortunately, record unemployment continues and families still struggle to pay bills like housing, utilities, and medical care. 

(, 2021)

About the Poly Pantry

Last year, the Poly Pantry served 1,227 students during 4,320 visits and distributed more than 43,000 perishable and non-perishable food and hygiene supplies.

In a recent survey conducted by the Poly Pantry, 22 percent of pantry visitors who responded indicated that they experienced 'reduced hours and income' as a result of COVID-19. Among the prominent responses for COVID-19 pandemic impacting their access to basic needs, 18 percent of participants 'Lost a job' and 14 percent experienced a 'decreased access to consistent and reliable food supply."

Poly Pantry 2 Go

COVID-19 also presents a new challenge to welcoming students into the Poly Pantry, but it is clear that the need for our services is more critical than ever. Poly Pantry 2 Go provides a no contact, curbside pickup service. Students are empowered to visit weekly and to select a pre-packaged grocery bag filled with food that meets their dietary needs as well as personal hygiene products that help them stay safe and healthy.


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